When Is The Lilacsat 2 Cas 3h Fm Repeater Turned On


When is the LilacSat-2/CAS-3H FM repeater turned on?


Some information as of 2020-12 suggests:

"It turns on during the 5pm local eastern US pass in the first part of the week"


That lines up with this which says it turns on at 2200 UTC:


Additional information

Usually the first half of the pass the repeater isn't on and it just sends telemetry, and the downlink is 20 KHz high. Eventually the repeater turns on and eventually the frequency shifts down to the normal downlink frequency. This is independent of doppler shift so the first half of the pass it's much higher from the center frequency if you take both into account.

In addition to being controlled by AMSAT China, on Twitter it has been reported KO4MA (AMSAT-NA control op) has the ability to turn it on.

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